Plan For Your Pet

Plan For Your Pet

Creating a plan for your pet may sound silly to some. But for many of us, especially seniors, our pets are our family members. Do you have a plan for your pet if you were incapacitated, either temporarily or permanently? What if you needed to go into residential care...

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Funeral Planning

Funeral Planning

Funeral planning may sound morbid, but it can be your final gift to your family. You’ll have the opportunity to ensure the service is a reflection of your life with the music you’d like played or the readings you want included. It can save your family from having to...

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Powers of Attorney

Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is an important piece of your estate plan. Most people don’t want to give up control of their financial affairs or have others make medical decisions for them. But if you become mentally incompetent or physically incapacitated and can’t manage your...

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Beneficiary Basics

Beneficiary Basics

Beneficiary deeds, also called a “transfer-on-death” deed, are a good way to avoid the cumbersome and expensive process of probate. Real estate is one of the assets that triggers a probate proceeding. The Beneficiary Deed can streamline what could otherwise be a slow...

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