Understanding Advance Directives: Your Path to a Secure Future

by | Oct 9, 2023

Hello there! I’m Connie Aschenbrenner, an estate planning attorney based in the beautiful state of Alaska. Today, I want to shed light on a crucial aspect of estate planning – Advance Directives. What are they, and why do you need one? Let’s dive into this essential topic.

What is an Advance Directive?

An Advance Directive, is a legal document that allows you to make decisions about your healthcare and medical treatment in advance. It’s a proactive step to ensure that your wishes are honored if you ever become unable to communicate or make decisions regarding your medical care.

Why Do You Need One?

Maintaining Control: Life is unpredictable, and unexpected medical situations can arise. Having an Advance Directive empowers you to maintain control over your healthcare decisions, even when you can’t voice your preferences.

Ensuring Your Wishes Are Followed: With an Advance Directive, you can specify the types of medical treatment you want or don’t want in various situations. This ensures that your values and beliefs are respected, reducing the burden on your loved ones to make difficult decisions on your behalf.

Reducing Family Stress: Without clear instructions, your family may face emotional turmoil and disagreements when trying to make medical decisions for you. An Advance Directive can ease this burden by providing explicit guidance.

Avoiding Unwanted Medical Interventions: If you have strong feelings about certain medical procedures or treatments, an Advance Directive allows you to outline your preferences, preventing unnecessary interventions that don’t align with your wishes.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you’ve taken steps to plan for your medical care can bring peace of mind to both you and your loved ones. It ensures that your values and choices are respected during challenging times.


Now that you understand the importance of an Advance Directive, I invite you to take the next step in securing your future. Join our upcoming workshop at AKWillsTrusts.com to delve deeper into Advance Directives and other vital aspects of estate planning. In our workshop, we’ll provide practical guidance, answer your questions, and help you create a comprehensive Advance Directive tailored to your needs.

Blogs by The Law Office of Constance A. Aschenbrenner


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