Serving Our Community

by | Mar 3, 2021

It’s March, the month we celebrate all things Irish, Girl Scout Cookies, especially Thin Mints, and the American Red Cross. Those three things have absolutely nothing in common, other than they’ve all made an impact on our culture!

The calendar tells me that Spring is just around the corner but there are few signs of it here in Anchorage. I personally can’t wait to see the daffodils and tulips. These past winter months have been wonderful. I have cross country skied more than any winter in memory.

One Year Later

It is hard to imagine that we’ve been dealing with this pandemic for a full year now. Last March, we had no idea what was ahead of us, that we would still be fighting this global virus. Time marches on and we have made progress in our self-care plans. I have created a chart that I use daily to make sure I am getting cardio exercise and drinking enough water, etc.

If there is one thing we’ve all learned this past year, it’s that we can get through anything. Most of us go day-to-day with the hope that all our days will be good ones. For many, that hope comes true. But, as we’ve recently witnessed, when a curve ball does come, we’re often unprepared for all the repercussions.

Every year since 1943, the President proclaims March as “Red Cross Month,” a time to celebrate everyday heroes who are serving our community and who bring hope to people in need. I cannot remember a time in which we all put that motto into action more than this past year!

While I am not a first responder in the traditional sense, I like to think that the work my team and I do at the Law Office of Constance A Aschenbrenner, does fall in line with the mission of preparedness and serving our community. I take great satisfaction in knowing that those individuals who make up my client family are prepared for whatever life throws their way.

I would be happy to perform the same service for you and yours.


Connie Aschenbrenner



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